
Thought for the Day:


Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati


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Experience of God
through Development of Divine Qualities

Recorded Speech by H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati, played for all Devotees and Guests, on 25th December 2015, on the Occasion of Omkarananda Jayanti Celebrations, in Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, Muni-ki-reti, via Rishikesh, India

God is endless divine qualities.

Only through development of divine qualities you can experience God. You must experience God through that what God is. And you can't know what God is unless you experience God. And the best way to experience God is to develop your divine qualities in yourself.

God is pure divine Intelligence.

Develop intelligence, make it pure, brilliant, bright.

God is Love.

Make your love selfless, pure, not confined to near and dear ones, but extend it to all creation, all beings.

Look upon everyone as God himself, for God is dwelling in all beings as qualities. Even if they have only little qualities, it doesn't matter, to that extent God is present in them.

Apart from this fact God is transcendent Reality.

As the transcendent Reality He is present in everyone and is witnessing everyone else from seated in everyone's heart as Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, endless Wisdom, endless Perfection, as the transcendent Reality, and so on.

Develop qualities.

If you develop qualities, you will be more and more sensitive to God's Presence and feel God's Presence.

Dynamism is a characteristic of the Divine.

Where there is darkness, dullness, and so forth, there there is less of the presence of the Divine, that is, the Presence of the Divine is concealed, veiled, hidden, put into the background, and there is unhappiness, misfortune, failure, problems, psychosomatic problems, occult problems, and so on.

But where there is dynamism, luminosity, purity, love, selflessness, brightness, hard work, skill, talent, genius, capacity in action, there is God most present.

The greater you unfold your talents and capacities and genius, the more you come closer to the Divine.

Always be plunged in Karma Yoga, for how can you develop your capacities, unfold your soul's qualities, unless through expression!

Expression is Karma Yoga. It has to be expressed.

Practice means Karma Yoga.

Expression of divine qualities means Karma Yoga.

Expression of divine intelligence means Karma Yoga.

So, dynamism, Karma Yoga, added to qualities, spiritual qualities, such as Devotion, and so forth, leads to experience of God.

Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati


Note: This speech, with Gurudev's original Voice, can be heard here.

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